The Bank started to implement a Medical Benefit scheme for the A class members in order to provide concessive medical facilities and services from the Irinjalakuda Co-OperativeHospital. The scheme and agreement between the bank and the hospital will come into effect on 1st November 2004. A-class members of the bank those who enrolled on or before 31st March 2004 will be eligible to get concession rates upto 25% of the medical expenses except the cost of medicines and registration fee. Maximum amount permissible for each calendar year will be Rs.5000/- per member. Unavailed concessions in any year will not be carried onto the succeeding year.
The bank introduced a new facility in ourinstitution for the people on 11th November 2007. Any member of the Bank (Minimum Share amount Rs.1000/-) who intends to avail the benefit will be required to collect the book from library and use the library network system (DELNET Developing Library Network) along with a photocopy of the identity card to be produced by the member for verification. The working time of the library is 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
We offer different types of services which any member can opt, as per convenience.